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313 lines
* *
* IPC.h *
* *
* Inter-Process-Communication Message Format *
* *
* Revision 2.21 -- 1989 April 28 *
* *
* Copyright 1988,1989 Peter da Silva & Peter Goodeve *
* All Rights reserved *
* *
* This source is freely distributable, but should not be *
* modified without prior consultation with the authors. *
* *
* *
* 89:3:26 [2.1] Shared Library Version -- LoadIPCPort added. *
* 89:4:17 [2.2] MakeIPCId and FindIPCItem added; *
* " " Flags IPC_NONSTANDARD and IPC_VITAL added. *
* 89:4:28 [2.21] IPC_NOTKNOWN changed to IPC_REJECT *
* *
#ifdef AZTEC_C
/* can't use prototyping */
#define NARGS 1
/* (if NARGS is undefined, prototyping is enabled) */
#ifndef EXEC_TYPES_H
#include "exec/types.h"
#ifndef EXEC_PORTS_H
#include "exec/ports.h"
/*** Item Reference block -- an arbitrary number of these may be
put in an IPCMessage ***/
struct IPCItem {
ULONG ii_Id; /* four character ID (normally);
determines exact meaning of IPCItem IDs */
ULONG ii_Flags; /* upper 16 bits have standard meaning;
lower 16 bits are message dependent */
ULONG ii_Size; /* size of data structure (zero if ii_Ptr is not
actually a pointer to data) */
void *ii_Ptr; /* points to defined data structure (could be within
message block if IE_Flags says so) -- also may be
recast to other 32-bit value (e.g. Lock) */
/*** The basic IPCMessage block ***/
struct IPCMessage {
struct Message ipc_Msg;
/* ..ln_Name field should be NULL
mn_Length will include IPC_Items array and any in-line data
ULONG ipc_Id, /* four character (or other) ID */
UWORD ipc_ItemCount; /* number of items in array */
struct IPCItem ipc_Items[1]; /* .. actual size as needed */
/*** Note that ALL bits in the upper byte are now allocated 89:4:17 ***/
/*** These are now considered pretty well set in concrete! ***/
/* Flags set by client: */
/* -- may appear in either IPCItem or IPCMessage Flags field */
#define IPC_TRANSFER 0x08000000
/* Data block ownership is to be transferred to receiver. */
#define IPC_NETWORK 0x04000000
/* The data in this block/message may be transmitted to
another machine */
#define IPC_INMESSAGE 0x02000000
/* The data in this block/message is included in the message length */
#define IPC_NONSTANDARD 0x01000000
/* The data in this block/message does NOT conform to the protocol
(might be a list structure, for instance). DON'T delete or modify
UNLESS you know how to handle it.
NOTE: ANY ID used with this flag MUST have common meaning to ALL
programs (if they recognize it). */
#define IPC_VITAL 0x20000000
/* This Item/Message MUST be recognized, otherwise the whole message
must be replied unprocessed (with IPC_REJECT set). */
/* Flags returned by server: */
#define IPC_REJECT 0x80000000
#define IPC_NOTKNOWN 0x80000000
/* The server could not handle this block/message
(either because it did not understand the ID or
was unable to process it -- see the secondary flags) */
/* IPC_REJECT replaces IPC_NOTKNOWN (which should no longer be used) */
#define IPC_MODIFIED 0x40000000
/* The server modified the data, either within the
supplied data block(s) or -- if permitted -- by
replacing/removing the block pointer; again maybe
other flag bits should indicate the nature of
the modification */
/* valid for Item only: */
#define IPC_SERVER_OWNED 0x10000000
/* The server owns this data Item -- either because it has
created it or because it took it over from the client
(in which case it clears IPC_TRANSFER, which must have
been set) */
/* secondary flag bits: */
#define IPC_CHECKITEM 0x00800000
/* associated with IPC_REJECT -- indicates that one or more
particular items caused the flag to be set */
#define IPC_FAILED 0x00400000
/* IPC_REJECT flag was set because the server failed to
handle an ID that it is designed to (rather than just
not recognizing the block) */
/*** IPC Ports and Procedures ***/
/* -- see IPCPorts.h for actual structure definitions */
#ifndef IPC_PORTS_H
/* Normal user doesn't need access to port components,
so just use a convenient define. Note that an IPC port
is NEVER in private data space -- or in the public port
list -- it is created and managed by the package routines
-- their internal data must be changed ONLY by the library routines;
for example, their ln_Node must NEVER be used by an application
to hang them on a local list (even if they are anonymous). */
#define IPCPort MsgPort
/* IPC Port Handling function prototypes: */
#ifndef NARGS /* define this to SUPPRESS function argument prototyping */
struct IPCPort * LoadIPCPort(char *);
/* [Requires an external "Port Broker" process -- otherwise
it behaves like FindIPCPort.]
returns pointer to port if it exists and has a Server
(or one is loading) -- if it doesn't, it sends a
message to PortBrokerPort requesting a server for the
port; if the Broker process cannot load a server (or
there IS no Broker process) the function returns
NULL; if the Broker initiates execution of a server
the function returns the port pointer and registers a
new connection to the port */
/* * * * */
ULONG MakeIPCId(char *);
/* returns 32-bit ID value corresponding to supplied (4-char) string
(shorter will be LEFT justified, longer will be truncated). */
struct IPCItem * FindIPCItem(struct IPCMessage *, ULONG, struct IPCItem *);
/* returns first item in message that matches ID; if item pointer is
not NULL, search will begin at that item rather than first. */
/* * * * */
struct IPCPort * FindIPCPort(char *);
/* returns pointer to port if it exists -- null otherwise;
registers a new connection to the port */
struct IPCPort * GetIPCPort(char *);
/* returns pointer to port -- it is created if it doesn't exist;
registers a new connection to the port */
void UseIPCPort(struct IPCPort *);
/* adds a connection to a port (passed by pointer from another
process) */
void DropIPCPort(struct IPCPort *);
/* disconnect from port -- port will be destroyed if there are
no other connections left */
struct IPCPort * ServeIPCPort(char *);
/* become a server for the named port (created if it doesn't exist);
null is returned if the port already has a server, otherwise a
pointer to it is returned */
void ShutIPCPort(struct IPCPort *);
/* (server only) prevent more messages being sent to this port, but
do not end server connection; remaining messages can be dealt
with before Leaving */
void LeaveIPCPort(struct IPCPort *);
/* cease to be a server for this port; another process can then
become a server if it desires */
CheckIPCPort(struct IPCPort *, UWORD);
/* returns number of current connections to this port (including
server); a call by the server (only) will also set the (user
settable) port flags to the value in the second argument --
currently the only valid flag is IPP_NOTIFY */
PutIPCMsg(struct IPCPort *, struct IPCMessage *);
/* sends an IPCMessage to an IPCPort; if the port has no server or
is shut, the message is not sent and the function returns FALSE;
otherwise it returns TRUE. (Other port flags to be added later
may affect these actions.) */
struct IPCMessage * CreateIPCMsg(int, int, struct MsgPort *);
/* creates a standard IPCMessage block (in MEMF_PUBLIC) with the
number of IPCItems supplied as first argument; the second
argument is the number of bytes -- if any -- to reserve beyond
that required for the items; the third is a pointer to the
ReplyPort (may be NULL -- note that it's a standard MsgPort,
not an IPCPort). (You always have to manage any data
blocks yourself). */
void DeleteIPCMsg(struct IPCMessage *);
/* deletes a standard IPCMessage block; you must first have disposed
of any attached data as appropriate */
#else NARGS defined
struct IPCPort * LoadIPCPort ();
struct IPCItem * FindIPCItem();
struct IPCPort * FindIPCPort ();
struct IPCPort * GetIPCPort ();
void UseIPCPort ();
void DropIPCPort ();
struct IPCPort * ServeIPCPort ();
void ShutIPCPort ();
void LeaveIPCPort ();
int CheckIPCPort ();
int PutIPCMsg ();
struct IPCMessage * CreateIPCMsg ();
void DeleteIPCMsg ();
#endif NARGS
/* System IPCPort flags: */
#define IPP_SERVED 0x8000
/* port currently has a server */
#define IPP_SHUT 0x4000
/* port is no longer open for new messages (server still attached) */
#define IPP_REOPEN 0x2000
/* set (by "Port Broker") to request that server reopen service
to this port after it has completed Shut/Leave sequence
in progress */
#define IPP_LOADING 0x1000
/* set (by "Port Broker") to indicate that a server is being loaded
for this port (cleared by ServeIPCPort()) */
/* Server settable Port flags: */
#define IPP_NOTIFY 0x0001
/* server wants to be signalled if connection is added or
dropped (the port sigbit is used to signal the task,
but no message is sent) */
* Some useful Macros:
#define GetIPCMessage(port) ((struct IPCMessage *)GetMsg((struct MsgPort *)port))
#define ReplyIPCMessage(msg) ReplyMsg((struct Message *)msg)
#define SigBitIPCPort(port) (1<<((struct MsgPort *)port)->mp_SigBit)
/* note: this will work whether or not IPCPorts.h has been included */
For convenience in creating (fixed) IDs:
(Alternatively, your compiler may have multi-character constants,
which you may find more convenient (but less portable...))
The library now also supplies the function MakeIPCId which you can
use to create IDs at run-time from strings.
#define MAKE_ID(a,b,c,d) ((a)<<24L | (b)<<16L | (c)<<8 | (d))